Hi All
It's been a long time since I posted here but life threw my family some serious curve-balls to prioritize my daily activities. And I'll admit it's hard to shut me up but throw a terminal diagnosis of Cancer and Alzheimer's for a loved one in the mix and that will silence even the gobbiest and most creative writer among us.
However, in the midst of it all, I did manage keep my fingers on the keyboard periodically in the form of a gratitude journal. But even on that front, I have to admit that there were many days the only thing I managed to be grateful for was the fact that I had woke up. Did I miss writing? Yes, absolutely, but my head was in such a mess I struggled to differentiate my ear form my elbow let alone write anything of any significance.
Nevertheless, her I am, yet again, back at the keys after giving myself 'Permission To Fly' as you can read in an upcoming post of the same title, because for me, writing really is the painting of the voice - the musings of the mind inked upon the canvas of time through the medium of paper. It's a huge part of who I am and what I do.
When I couldn't write, I read. When I couldn't read, I cried. And the only way back for me was to pick up my pencil and write. It didn't matter what I wrote so long as I was writing because it gave voice to the myriad of emotions within. It's as though my pencil is my brains anchor in the midst of my earthquake.
My dear friend, Vanessa Fox O'Loughlin, founder of www.writing.ie and author of the bestselling book #LittleBones written under the pseudonym of, Sam Blake, assured me everything we are exposed to in life builds us as writers. If that be the case, then at this stage, Hercales, could have claimed me for his fifth wife were I born in the ancient times of the famous hero. But seriously, when your confidence is knocked from trying to survive life's tragedies, its seeing great writers like Vanessa, and Louise Phillips succeed that ignites the courage to allow the creative spirit to soar again. And the dedication in #LittleBones spoke to a very deep part of me - a part that longs for the structure and formation of words to convey a story and bring characters alive that only a writer can fully understand.