Adding the soft-touch to your villain makes your story real. Displaying tenderness in an otherwise tough character is portrayed beautifully in the above picture.
The simplicity of it caught my attention.
The onus is on the writer to provide fully developed characters with which the reader can relate. Nobody is all-bad – even the horrific Hannibal Lecter loved music and was a brilliant pianist. The kitten in the above picture shows a different side to a character who otherwise displays the appearance of being in a ready to shoot mode.
Another wonderful example of this is, “Mr Jingles” the Mouse in Stephan King’s book/film “The Green Mile.” In this amazing piece of penmanship, and using simplicity at its best, King adds a mouse to death-row scene and captures the art of making it real with perfection. Mr Jingles is used to draw out the soft side of a murder awaiting electrocution. With the aid of John Coffie, (the protagonist, seven foot tall and built to match) upset over a dead mouse in his monstrous hands, King blends polar opposites impeccably and creates a lasting impression. His ability to weave a mouse into such a wonderful storyline is a testament to his skill.
My advice:
If you haven’t seen The Green Mile, you need to. If you have, I advise you watch it again from a writer’s perspective, and learn the art of keeping it real with simplicity from the best.
Just a thought
The simplicity of it caught my attention.
The onus is on the writer to provide fully developed characters with which the reader can relate. Nobody is all-bad – even the horrific Hannibal Lecter loved music and was a brilliant pianist. The kitten in the above picture shows a different side to a character who otherwise displays the appearance of being in a ready to shoot mode.
Another wonderful example of this is, “Mr Jingles” the Mouse in Stephan King’s book/film “The Green Mile.” In this amazing piece of penmanship, and using simplicity at its best, King adds a mouse to death-row scene and captures the art of making it real with perfection. Mr Jingles is used to draw out the soft side of a murder awaiting electrocution. With the aid of John Coffie, (the protagonist, seven foot tall and built to match) upset over a dead mouse in his monstrous hands, King blends polar opposites impeccably and creates a lasting impression. His ability to weave a mouse into such a wonderful storyline is a testament to his skill.
My advice:
If you haven’t seen The Green Mile, you need to. If you have, I advise you watch it again from a writer’s perspective, and learn the art of keeping it real with simplicity from the best.
Just a thought
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